Devlog Week 1

Alright it's the end of one week! (Well actually since I just started the devlog 5 days ago it's less than one week, but I'll be updating regularly on Saturday from now on!)

I set out to fix the most glaring problem of the game, which is that it didn't have a true story or objective when I made it in the game jam.

Basic Story [SPOILERS kinda?]: At the top of Pekoe Mountain, there is a tall magic tree that provides the mountain its life energy and keeps the season permanently in early Autumn. There are four main roots of the tree, and they are guarded by colossus monsters. Normally the guardians (and other monsters on the mountain) are peaceful, but the tree got poisoned (or sick, I'm still trying to choose) and the guardians and monsters became hostile. Shiro has to find an antidote, deliver it to each of the main roots, and probably fight his way past the guardians (though I'm thinking of mixing it up by having one of the bosses only be passable through quests or something).

Also I've been working on the main mechanics of the game (I'm still trying to come up with ones that go well with the rest of the story).

So far I have:

- Zen: Shiro can temporarily stop objects or monsters he touches (or stop time but I think that might be a little too powerful).  He isn't always able to use it, he has a meter that he has to fill by either defeating monsters (or maybe just hitting them?), dodging (yes I'm adding dodge rolls), or meditating (which leaves you vulnerable to attack, much like how the Knight in Hollow Knight replenishes his health with SOUL).

- Kunai Throw: As things progress Shiro will find more abilities.  This one is pretty simple, he's just throwing a projectile.  I'm wondering if I can spice it up with upgrades later on (elemental effects? string tied to the handle so you can use it like a grappling hook / clawshot or something like that?)

- Double Jump: Should I make this and Wall Jump a separate ability you have to find or just have it available from the start?  I think Wall Jumping should be available from the start but I'm not sure about Double Jumping.

- Wind Fist: Shiro uses his fist to push off air in an inputted direction. Upon hitting an enemy he bounces or pushes off.

- Paraglider: Since this is a mountain I figured it would be fun if you could glide to travel around!

I'm also working on coming up with the different areas and places on Pekoe Mountain.  Also, as you can see in the screenshots, I'm quite busy revamping the old art assets I made, and adding new ones.  The tile sets and parallax background are still very WIP, but I'm much happier with them so far.  And I'm adding Shiro's attacks in now!

TL;DR: I've had a nice week, hope you all do too! :D

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